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The Frog Blog

Welcome To The Frog Blog!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


in 1 day, scince i made a post on the frog blog one,nearly 35,000 people have viewed the blog 2. but that is not enough. we need more people! so tell your friends! tell your neighbors! and tell them to tell their friends, so by July 29th next year, we will have more than 100,000 hits! so help, and tell your friends, because every hit makes a difference!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


my fellow bloggers!
I have posted this blog to share some good news!
A new blog has risen from the depths of humanity, vowing to post blogs EVERYWHERE and get more visitors than any other blog!
Deep within the heart of this twisted new blog are the creators of the theblogofthefrog......but, having turned to the corruption of remakes of sequels, we give you theblogofthefrog2!!!!!
the blogofthefrog will still be used, but our new primary is the blogofthefrog2.
you can find us at the
thank you all for following our blog, and we hope you can follow both blogs now!
your support, and the 5 minutes of time you take each day to look at our blogs has given us the hope that we can reach 50,000 visitors for the new blog in one YEAR!!!!!! thats right, ONE YEAR, 50,000 views. can we do it?
yes we can!
so watch the blogs, tell your friends, and keep your eyes on the prize, eyes on the prize.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Annoying post 8

hi. SIX FLAGS, MORE FLAGS, MORE FUN!! wow. the banana has come to its greeting. SAY WhATTTT!!! hey. so, you know, what? no. please. no. the chocolate. no. where!?!? there!??!?! so one time my nose fell off so i clued it back on with duck juice. mmmmmmm............... duck juice. SAY WhATTTT!!! no! i said no! the poop is good but the pee is better. hee, hee, ha ha haa, haaaa, HAAAAAAA SNFALERGJNKEDFEFGADLKFGDLAGJ

Saturday, July 4, 2009

bad grammer

in the post below it has some mistakes so if it doesnt make sense then just......


Some things i got to say

nobodies making posts!! anyways, when i save the blog by making posts so peoplez stayed on, i realized how many annoying posts Ive made. A LOT!! So i just want to say something, Tell ALL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THIS WEBSITE!! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! SERIOUSLY!?!?!? AFTER ALL WE TO FOR YOU PEOPLE YOU DON'T TELL YOUR FRIENDS!?!?!?!? I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS BEHAVIOR!! GO TO YOUR ROOM!! NOW!! YONG MAN IF YOU DON'T GO TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW I WILL TAKE AWAY ALL YOUR FARTING PRIVILEGES!! so please tell your friends.