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The Frog Blog

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Annoying Post 5 (My Version.)

One day I saw a slug and named it fred. Fred liked leaves. When i ate a slug FrogMario Laughed and stabbed an applesauce with a feather made out of candels. I have a bladless knife with no handle. Have you ever seen a turtle named eric? I have and he likes rabbits who like to eat porches with grandma sprinkles on milk.One day I saw a slug and named it fred. Fred liked leaves. When i ate a slug FrogMario Laughed and stabbed an applesauce with a feather made out of candels. I have a bladless knife with no handle. Have you ever seen a turtle named eric? I have and he likes rabbits who like to eat porches with grandma sprinkles on milk.One day I saw a slug and named it fred. Fred liked leaves. When i ate a slug FrogMario Laughed and stabbed an applesauce with a feather made out of candels. I have a bladless knife with no handle. Have you ever seen a turtle named eric? I have and he likes rabbits who like to eat porches with grandma sprinkles on milk.

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