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The Frog Blog

Welcome To The Frog Blog!!!!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

my youtube videos!

heres are the links!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

annoying post 4

hi.nice to meet you. hihihihhihihiiihiihihihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
so. one time i was eating chocolate and my stridanlatenyupota exploded. hi. d.n.a stands for deoxyribonucleicacid. hi
one time i saw a bird explode and the intestines flew over my feet. hi. i'm harry potter. voldimort is going to kill me. oh no! I'M HARRY POTTER! holy moly! im also jack nicholson. hey. bye

Thursday, April 23, 2009


o.k, im just here to tell you about the best t.v show of all time. heroes! it's awsome. if you don't watch it go on netflix and watch it on instant play! it is the BEST!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

annoying post 3

hi. hey. i saw i now pronounce you chuck and larry. hi. chuck. cccccccchhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkk. chuck chucky chuuuck. i saw the shining.hhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeesssssssssssss jjjjjjjjjjooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyy. like jazz? soup is flerkidnaplesiticatics. bye

Sunday, April 12, 2009


nevermind. my first video (spoof movie one) has a picture. it's me jumping.


here is info o my YouTube videos so you know your watching the right ones!

spoof movie 1- has a camera as a picture, is 6 minutes and 56 seconds, it is made by frogdude123

spoof movie 2- usually the first video on the list, it is a picture of me on a swing set with a superman cape, it is 4 minutes and 29 seconds.

youtube videos!

so i have 3 YouTube videos! please watch them! they are hilarious! i promise! they are...

spoof movie 1

spoof movie 2

funny claymation

or you can see my videos on my YouTube channel. my name is frogdude123. type frogdude123 on channels and click on my page!

youtube videos!

Annoying post 22

hi, hello. hey, yo! salutations. so. hey. hi. how are ya? so i was watching t.v and it talked to me! it told me to buy a new Honda civic. so i did. it cost 300,000,000,000,0000.9893382475748384757748384754838745483874564738283645637$. not!. just kidding. hey. hi. soup? indeed. one time i was at a beach and i saw this fat guy run up to the water and throw up in it. it looked like soup. indeed. it looked so gross i almost threw up. then i ate soup. m vs p? so hey. yesterday was never tomorrow because sometimes monkeys teleport into wear wolves in sea monkey water. true fact. my great, great, great, great uncles dog told me so.hi.

Hey, what up

what up my fellow frogs, like the new picture o the top? yeah i chose it. so your probably wondering how old me, darthfrog, and firestar are. well, guess. we are probably not over 50, and definetly not yonger than 10. o.k you know what i'm going to tell ya! we are......... HAH! you thought i would tell you. well i'm sorry, but your going to have to ask someone else. i will NEVER EVER EVER tell you.

we are 12!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Xbox Probs

Just thinking out loud here.
Well my B-day is in 2 days. I might get an xbox but there seems to be a prob.
The thing is bugged.
I was reaserching it and I found out that you have to pay 100 bucks for wirless and pay 50 bucks a year for online play. Okay fine, i can live with that.
It has this problem called the red ring of death, caused by overheating. From what I hear, your playing your xbox, then u see this and BAM, there goes 300 bucks.
The good thing is its graphics rock and it has awsome games.
Screw it I hope I get it.
Anyone with an xbox tell me what u think just comment on this post.
(Frogmario I think this might also be important to you)

Welcome Back DarthFrog!

DF!!!! Longtime no see i think we should get this blog going agian.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Vote for a New & Improved Frog Blog!

Ladies, Gentelmen and Frogs:

Step right up (scroll down) to the voting booth (poll) and fill out your ball0t (check-box) for Amendment 28. Basically, go down to the poll at the bottom of our page and vote for wether you would like a new and improved Frog Blog, with a new look, design, and much more. Vote yes or no. You have until April 30th at 11:59 PM EST. Good luck! Thank you!

Funny Mac v. Windows pictures

Lol here are some funny pictures related to the Mac v. Windows debate between FrogMario and StarFire....enjoy!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Long time no see

Hola what is up! It has been forever and a day since i have made a post on Le Blog. Good work by frog-mario and frog-gamer for keeping everyone busy. Did i mention that skiing is beast. (That is not a question) My only problem is that frogs cant ski. What do we do....what do we do

Houston we have a problem

Houston we have a problem