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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Annoying post 7

hey. whens lunch. i HuNgRy. i am VERY hungry. VERY, VERY, HuNgRy. wheres the beef? there it is! under that rock. it smells like cupcakes. mmmmm....... huh? did you say something. i wasn't really paying attention. i was to busy eating sweat burgers. WHAT!!! you don't know what sweat burgers are?!?!!?!? there deep fried gym socks with some armpit hair on the side. and even some plain old sweat from a sweat bottle if you want. sweat is my favorite condiment. WHAT!!! hey, did you see that movie? me too!! it was the best! especially the part when that guy did that thing with that car. and he like, drove it! I'm still laughing, even though it was horror film. did you see the haunting in Connecticut? i don't understand, whats so haunting about Connecticut? thats where my dog ate jim carry. WHAT!! wheres the beef. no. never. NO!. WHO! WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? AND WHY?!?!? over there.

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