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The Frog Blog

Welcome To The Frog Blog!!!!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Are You A Simpson?

A-No,and I think they have mental issues.

B-Yes,I am. I dressed up as Homer for Halloween.

C- I don't know but I love donuts.


If you answered B or C then congragalatuions!

You are A Simpson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't frown smile








you answered




in a lake


The Simpson's Movie was probably one of the best movies of the year. I found myself laughing with my friend the whole movie. The beginning was great. When Green Day performed their version of The Simpsons Theme Song and wanted to say a word about the enviorment,down goes the raft that they are standing on. Homer dumps a silo of pig poop in Lake Springfield, and that gets Springfield put under a dome. Then Maggie finds a way to escape the dome(through a sandbox). When the people find out the dome is Homer's fault, they threaten to kill him. So the Simpson family escape through the sandbox and move to Alaska. Then the government puts a bomb set for 15 minuets inside the dome. So Homer(with a little help from Bart)gets the bomb out of the dome.(if they spared 20 more seconds before throwing the bomb out, Springfield would of turned into another Grand Canyon?LOL)Then the dome shatters. Yippe!
Appropriateness-There is a few bad words,but not as bad as some Simpson episodes on TV.
Think before you take your 7 year old. 6.5 OUT OF 10
Music-Prettey much normal Simpson music with the awesome theme song by Green Day
and some orchestral stuff. 8.5 OUT OF 10
Graphics- Nothing to complain about here.Carachters and Springfield looks better than TV and same with DC and Alaska. 10 OUT OF 10
Voice Acting- Solid. Sometimes the words slip a little fuzzy or something like that or that could be theatre glitches. Going to have to be giving this 9.25 OUT OF 10.
Entertainment- You wont doze off unless you hiked Mt Everest,Denali and Mt Washington in one day and then drove 100 miles to see the 9:30 PM movie. Really hillarious you will chuckle every 5 seconds. 9.5 OUT OF 10.
Overall- This is a great movie, again one of the best of 2007. Just go to the movie cause its awesome.
43.75 OUT OF 50 is the great score for this great movie.
Your Simpson Truly,
Darth Frog

1 comment:

zach f said...

I agrre it was pretty good